Added SysInfo: Added "SysInfoType=OS_PRODUCT_NAME".Fixed Histogram / Line meters: Corrected some issues with MinValue/MaxValue being properly applied to the meters.Changed Measures: In debug mode, display a warning log message when the MinValue and MaxValue are the same or if MaxValue is less than MinValue.dll Windows file that could cause crashing on Windows Server systems. Fixed WifiStatus: Corrected an issue with a missing.Changed Plugins: Only log the loading and unloading of plugins in Debug mode.Changed Languages: Updated localization strings for Ukrainian and Arabic.Fixed NowPlaying: Corrected a crash issue and a SetPosition issue.Fixed Rainmeter: Fixed some crashing issues caused by the 4.5.15 release.Changed Languages: Updated localization strings for Arabic, Spanish Modern, Polish, Indonesian, Thai.Fixed GameMode: Fixed layout loading with "On Start" action.Fixed ConfigParser: Fixed an issue when reading empty color options.Fixed Rainmeter: Fix skin draggable checkbox not updating state when global setting is changed.Changed Measure: A warning message is only triggered if MaxValue is less than MinValue, not the same.Changed String meter: FontSize and InlineSetting=Size now accept floating point (i.e.When you click on the 🔄 reload button it will disappear and only reapper if everything was reloaded successfully.Play and stop also reloads everything, use this button if you made changes on the Kimai webUI Click on the 🔄 reload button to reload settings from the server.Click on the ⏹ stop button to stop your current measurement.Click on the ▶️ play button to restart your latest measurement.Click on one of a recent measurement to restart it.Click on the name of the current active recording or on the ‘No active recording’ text to show your recent measurements.Click on the Kimai logo to open your Kimai webui in your default browser.Click on the reload icon to update the skin.Click on the Kimai logo and add your server address and credentials in the opening new window.Open the rmskin package with Rainmeter, enable the skin.Download the rmskin package from releases.If you have an idea of another variant, just open an issue! Installation Prerequisites infinibar: fits my hardware monitor skin infinibar.kimai-default: similar to the Kimai webui.

Rainmeter is an open source desktop customization tool for Windows Variants